Corporate Structure

Board of Directors

Board of Supervisors

Senior Management

Shareholder's General Meeting

Shareholders’ general meeting

The shareholders’ general meeting is the organ of authority of the Bank and shall have the following functions and powers in accordance with law:

  1. to decide on the Bankes business operation policies and investment plans;
  2. to appoint or remove Directors, and to decide upon matters relating to the remuneration of Directors;
  3. to appoint or remove shareholder representative Supervisors and external Supervisors, and decide upon matters relating to the remuneration of Supervisors;
  4. to examine and approve reports of the Board of Directors;
  5. to examine and approve reports of the Board of Supervisors;
  6. to examine and approve proposals on the Bankof Supervisors;cial budget and financial statements;
  7. to examine and approve profit distribution plans and loss make-up plans;
  8. to examine and approve matters of alteration of use of proceeds;
  9. to adopt resolutions regarding the increase or reduction of the Bankans; Supervisors, andf to adopt resolutions on merger, division, dissolution, liquidation or change in the form of the Bank;
  10. to adopt resolutions on the issue of debt securities or other valuable papers with the purpose of replenishing the capital of the Bank as well as on the proposal of listing thereof;
  11. to adopt resolutions on repurchase of the Banks on the proposal ofto amend this Articles of Association;
  12. to adopt resolutions on the appointment or removal of accounting firms and deciding upon its service fee or method of determining their service fees;
  13. to examine and approve proposals raised by the shareholders individually or in aggregate representing 3% or more of the Bankised by the sharehto examine and approve matters of major investment, the purchase or sale or dispose of material assets that exceeding 10% of the latest audited total assets, of the most recent year;
  14. to examine and approve share incentive scheme;
  15. to decide on or authorize the Board of Directors to decide on the matters relevant to preference shares issued by the Bank, including but not limited to deciding on whether to repurchase, convert or distribute dividends;
  16. to examine and approve connected transactions which shall be approved by the shareholders general meeting in accordance with laws, administrative regulations, rules and provisions of the securities regulatory authority of the places where the shares of the Bank are listed;
  17. to examine and approve other matters which shall be decided by the shareholders general meeting in accordance with laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, and rules issued by the securities regulatory authority of the places of listing and this Articles of Association.